This week I met up with another mom who passed along a bag of clothes to me that her son outgrew. As I went through each item of gently used and brand new clothes and shoes, something hit me. I don't know how I would do this mom thing without support from other moms. I remember the panic I once felt after being laid off from work, with a toddler at home and a baby on the way. I remember wondering how we would make it on one income and two babies to feed and clothe. But somehow, the moms just showed up with clothes, food, encouragement, and camaraderie. You know, because moms somehow always know what you need.
I say that to say I am so thankful for all of the ladies who are becoming a part of my mom tribe. Now that I have my own kids, I completely understand and appreciate the challenges that come with motherhood. Not just in my own journey, but in general. So from the playgroups to online chats, to a simple nod when you see me dealing with a public tantrum, the moms just keep showing up. And I love that!
Hats off to you moms. You're amazing!