And just like that, August is coming to a close. Where did the time go? The final summer series events are happening this week, the weather is already changing, and next week will officially be back to school week. Are you ready?
Although summer will be over, that won't stop us from having a good time. Macaroni Kid Laurel is working on a few exciting things I'd like to share with you. If you haven't heard, we're teaming up with Bump Fit & Rehab to provide a FREE workshop for moms in Laurel, Beltsville and Hanover. This will be an information session to help you moms learn more about any post-pregnancy pain or discomfort you may have. Join us on September 20th at Laurel Lakes as we discover some of the root causes behind your pain and what you can do about it. Click here for more details about the event and don't forget to RSVP!
We've also been touring the great playgrounds around town and sharing our experiences on our Facebook page with the hashtag #MKLaurelPlayground. As fall approaches, this weather is the perfect time to head out and enjoy the outdoors. Remember to take a look at our Playground Guide to discover all the cool parks in our area and feel free to follow our playground adventures on Facebook.
Have a great day!